Equal Opportunities Policy
Date of Last Review: October 2023
Date of Next Review: April 2024
We Are Create CIC (WAC) – Equality and Diversity Policy
The mission of WAC is to create, develop and produce a vital and dynamic programme of performances and participatory activity for the people of Suffolk and surrounding areas. It aims to create a programme of the highest quality, maximum diversity and greatest possible accessibility. WAC believes that this is best achieved through the implementation of an Equal Opportunities and Diversity Policy informing all areas of the company’s activity and employment practice.
WAC is committed to ensuring equality and fairness for all employees, collaborators, contractors and the general public. It will not discriminate on grounds of gender, marital status, race, ethnic origin, colour, nationality, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, religion or age. WAC opposes all forms of unlawful and unfair discrimination and will work to promote opportunities for sections of the community that are currently under-represented.
All individuals will be treated fairly and with respect. Selection for employment, promotion, training or any other benefit will be on the basis of aptitude and ability. All employees will be helped and encouraged to develop their full potential and the talents and resources of the workforce will be fully utilised to maximise the organisation’s output.
WAC strives to create an environment in which individual differences and the contributions of all our staff are recognised and valued. No form of intimidation, bullying or harassment will be tolerated.
We will regularly review our employment practices and procedures to ensure fairness. This policy has the approval of the Board and will be reviewed on an annual basis.
▪ WAC will comply with all legislation relating to Equal Opportunities.
▪ WAC considers behaviour that implies inferiority or causes offence, due to distinction, as unacceptable.
▪ WAC has defined the following codes of behaviour explicitly in relation to equal opportunity issues, which are listed alphabetically to avoid assumptions as to their relative importance.
▪ WAC is opposed to all forms of discrimination and will not tolerate expressions or acts which disparage or undermine a person.
The following codes of behaviour are expected of all staff of WAC and it is the responsibility of everybody to ensure that the terms of this policy are observed.
Age Discrimination
It is unlawful for your age to be the cause of less favourable treatment in your workplace or in vocational training.
Disability Discrimination
If you have a physical or mental impairment, you have specific rights that protect you against discrimination. Employers and service providers are obliged to make reasonable adjustments for you.
Gender Equality - Sex Discrimination
Women and men should not be treated unfairly because of their gender, because they are married or because they are raising a family.
Race/ Ethnicity Discrimination
Wherever you were born, wherever your parents came from, whatever the colour of your skin, you have a right to be treated fairly.
Religion and Belief
Your religion or belief, or those of somebody else, will not interfere with your right to be treated fairly at work.
Sexual Orientation
Whether you are gay, lesbian, bisexual or straight you will not be put at a disadvantage.
Transgender/ Gender Discrimination
Trans, Non- binary, and other gender queer/ nonconforming people should be able to live with dignity and there are protections for some of the forms of discrimination that trans/NB people experience.
Actions considered unacceptable include:
▪ Any form of harassment (see below).
▪ Attempts to recruit staff to discriminatory organisations.
▪ Bringing discriminatory material into the theatre.
▪ Derogatory name-calling, insults and jokes.
▪ Discriminatory comments or innuendoes, including comments made in the course of work, breaks, rehearsals, meetings or interviews, discriminatory graffiti or any other written insult.
▪ Making threats against a person or group.
▪ Provocative behaviour such as wearing discriminatory badges or insignia. ▪ Sexist attitudes and their manifestations or any form of sexual harassment. ▪ The gratuitous display of overtly sexist material.
▪ Unwelcome physical contact.
▪ Written discriminatory comments by staff.
If you know of any circumstances where you feel that this policy has not been fully observed or implemented, then you should draw this to the attention of your project lead. WAC will respond to reported instances of contravention of its Equal Opportunities Codes of Practice by:
▪ Investigating the evidence.
▪ Lending support to any sufferer.
▪ Maintaining a record of incidents.
▪ Where necessary, implementing disciplinary or grievance procedures. ▪ Seeking to develop good practice which will prevent a recurrence of the incident.
▪ Monitoring the effectiveness of these measures.
Written by Sarah Nkugwa 24.10.23 -