“Heart on my Sleeve” is a passion project started by Sarah Nkugwa of Pop Print Studio to explore her own mental health journey. Sarah has recently taken up journaling and as a creative wanted space to share her words. The idea being that she gives space to her thoughts, acknowledges them and then moves on from them. The project explores both the written word and screen-printing on the sleeves of hoodies (hence being called “Heart on my Sleeve”)
In January 2024 Sarah invited others to join in on this project, to share ideas, share spaces and share experiences. This was very well received and those that joined in loved the idea and began to grow ideas of their own. We made a podcast which is below (very Raw) , made Zines, Wrote on clothing with Vinyl and journaled. We still have lots of Ideas and will continue this project when we find the resources to open it up further. For now have a look at some of the work we created and Kind words from those that joined in.Make it stand out.
It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
Take a look at our explorations.
We took a look at jornalling and explored different ways of doing this, some chose to write letters to themselve, other wrote like a conversation and some even chose to collage.
Screen Printing
Screen Printing on to the sleeve of hoodies, giving space to words from our journals, legiability isnt important here, whats important is giving space.